Libya and Italy have agreed to unify their trade and commercial strategies within three months.

The two presidents of the Italian-Libyan Chamber of Commerce, Nicola Colicchi and Anwer Abouseta, have signed a memorandum of understanding to achieve this goal, reports Italian news agency Nova.

The agreement was signed last Sunday, October 8, in the headquarters of the General Chamber of Commerce of Tripoli, in the presence of a number of officials from both sides, including the Italian ambassador, Gianluca Alberini.

“We have started the unification of our commercial strategies to be able to operate better both in Libya and in Italy”, Colicchi told Nova.

According to Nova, the agreement commits the parties to ensuring collaboration “for every economic and commercial activity aimed to support the development of trade relations”.

The two Chambers will “define the legal and administrative conditions for a possible merger or possible establishment of a single organization, in accordance with the laws in force in both countries, within a period of three months, extendable in writing.

Source: Libya Update

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