Mark your calendars for a special event this Saturday, the 14th, from 10 AM to 3 PM, as Webster Church hosts a massive costume jewelry sale that promises not only to dazzle with its array of affordable accessories but also to make a significant impact on the Ghana Ministry. The sale, featuring an enticing selection of African clothing and fabrics, will take place at the Webster Church located at 5484 Webster Church Rd, Dexter, with more information available at

The Ghana Ministry, a heartfelt endeavor that commenced in 2002, traces its roots back to a visit to the captivating African nation of Ghana. The ministry’s initial focus was on a UNHCR Refugee Camp called Sanzule, situated in the Western Region. Over the years, this benevolent initiative has embarked on various projects aimed at improving the lives of those in need, both within the camp and in neighboring villages.

One of the ministry’s earliest undertakings included the establishment of two different micro-economic projects within the camp. These projects provided a means of livelihood for the refugees, offering them an opportunity to support themselves and their families. Additionally, the ministry has managed to raise funds to send a total of 16 refugee young people to either trade schools or secondary schools, thereby providing them with an education and a pathway to a brighter future.

However, the most remarkable of the ministry’s achievements has been the creation of 11 fresh water wells. This ambitious initiative began within the Sanzule Refugee Camp and extended to surrounding villages. In collaboration with the Evangelical Presbyterian Church of Ghana, the ministry ensured that nine remote villages gained access to clean, life-sustaining water sources, dramatically improving the living conditions for countless individuals.

Since 2010, Webster Church has been actively raising funds to support the Sanzule Emergency Food Fund. This essential fund provides food to an average of 85 people each month who are deemed medically vulnerable and unable to work. The beneficiaries include HIV+ mothers and infants, as well as the elderly and disabled, all of whom rely on this lifeline for their daily sustenance. With a monthly commitment of $500, the Webster Church has demonstrated an unwavering dedication to this vital humanitarian cause.

The Ghana Ministry’s journey has been characterized by faith, compassion, and a relentless commitment to making a difference in the lives of the less fortunate. Since its inception, a total of 50 different individuals have participated in this inspiring faith journey, working diligently to bring about positive change in the world.

The upcoming costume jewelry sale at Webster Church promises not only an array of stunning accessories but also the opportunity for the community to contribute to the ongoing success of the Ghana Ministry. By supporting this event, attendees will directly impact the lives of those in need, both locally and abroad. So, mark your calendars for this Saturday and join the Webster Church in making a difference through this wonderful event. Your purchase could help change lives for the better.

Source: The Sun Times News

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